Scott Howard’s Journey in the Music Industry: Inspiring Change, Embracing Innovation, and Shaping the Future

Embark on a transformative musical journey with Scott Howard as Esquire Daily brings you an exclusive interview with the seasoned musician and producer. Delve into the emotions that have shaped his path, from love and pain to pleasure and loathing, and discover how he overcame challenges to pursue his passion. Explore the power of music to create a synchronistic symphony of emotions and awaken listeners. Gain insights into the evolving music industry and the role of music in imparting truth. Scott shares valuable advice for aspiring musicians and invites readers to connect with his music and be part of a radiant, awakening experience.

What inspired you to start your music career, and what challenges have you faced in the music business?

Love, loathing, pain, and pleasure were the driving forces that shaped my life’s path. These emotions have instigated significant changes, which can be particularly challenging, especially for a Capricorn like myself. Transitioning from casually playing the guitar among friends to performing in front of an audience that judges the merits of my storytelling abilities has been a transformative journey.

During my school years, I experienced a logical and nurturing environment. I learned to care for animals, engage with inanimate metal instruments that produced beautiful sounds when blown into, and discovered the power of music to transport us to another world. In this realm, seemingly disparate musical parts could be woven together to create a synchronistic symphony that encompassed love, pain, and pleasure, and ultimately brought about change. This was a world I could shape and control through the notes I composed, aiming to touch others’ lives and raise their vibrations through osmosis.

At the age of 11, I joined a band called Gemini 5, managed by my stepfather. Our first performance at School for Special Children in Long Island turned out to be less than stellar. However, to our surprise, the children, despite their challenges, heard something special in our music and embraced it wholeheartedly. That experience deeply resonated with me and fueled my passion for music. Yet, as life progressed, I momentarily lost sight of my musical aspirations amid college, marriage, kids, and divorce, feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from my music.

It became evident that the only obstacles we truly face are the ones we create ourselves. In a reality where we have the power to manifest our desired outcomes, anything is possible. We are the ones who can ignite metaphorical forest fires in our lives. It is crucial to approach our choices with mindfulness and caution, as they have the potential to shape our reality. Let us think big and consider the greater good of all as we navigate this extraordinary game of life. Together, we can manifest a heavenly world that reflects our deepest wishes and desires.

“We Are Forever…A glistening shimmer of a granted wish…It’s a prison break of the mind….no other time like this… the end of the old…beginning anew…as forever now does exist… so imagine a heavenly world to manifest…. LIKE THIS!”

How do you approach the creative process when composing and producing music, and what techniques do you use to keep your music fresh and innovative?

The creative process approaches me, as we are all receivers. The higher our vibration, the better we can tune in. My awakening in 2017, when my hypothalamus became active, transformed my life. Through a camera, I explored the unseen world, which became the subject of my writing. My ongoing 300-page eBook, “A Lightworker’s Journey” (The Unseen In-between Kingdom), shares the experiences that inspire my music, awakening those who choose to listen. Synchronicities guide me to write about upcoming events, even though sometimes they are not immediately ready to be introduced. The timeless nature of my music resonates with everyone because, ultimately, we are all interconnected.

“We have forgotten who we are… we abuse Mother Earth. Then disregard…”

“Read the signpost of destruction ahead… Manifest Miracles instead!”

“Men or Woman. We’re all the same… Together the one, Soul Mate claimed”

Can you tell us about your experience with producing and releasing albums, and how has the music industry changed over the years?

I had the privilege of working with a talented producer, Marc Tanner, who introduced me to the intricate world of the “Unseen In-between Kingdom” in the music business. Sadly, Marc passed away a few years ago. Currently, he collaborates with my son Maxx on the other side of the veil, both supported by my mentor guardians, Nikola Tesla, and John Lennon. In an interesting turn of events, I moved to LA around six years ago and consulted a renowned psychic named Rebecca Fearing. She provided an insightful reading, revealing that historical figures, Tesla and Lennon, were guiding me on my soul mission. These revelations, including a recurring dream from my childhood, which I share in my upcoming eBook “A Lightworker’s Dream” (The Unseen In-between Kingdom), helped me understand that my music would play a vital role in imparting truth during this time of censorship. While the music industry has undergone significant changes, with the message often being hijacked, music remains the last free medium to convey stories of truth. The frequency of 440Hz, used in broadcast frequencies, contributes to dis-ease and chaos. However, music sourced from ancient ways, such as 432Hz, brings peace of mind and has the power to transform our world overnight.

“I release &  decree…imprisoned souls breaking free…”

“Resistance forsaken…fear stopped my lucky breaks… NOW AWAKE…”

”Down to my cell, blood, and bones…all unforgiveness. I atoned…”

“Resentment guilt & shame…victim mentality… now contained… I abstain! “

“Stolen ‘His–stories’, biblical lies… underground truths… so many died…”

“Karmic crimes fan the flames…of atrocities, disclosure & those to blame”

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who want to succeed in the competitive music business, and how can they stand out from the crowd?

First and foremost, learn a vocation that allows you to be self-sufficient, such as starting a fire, catching your food, or planting organic vegetables. Don’t rely on others to poison your food supply. Instead, teach yourself and others self-sustainability. Sing about these valuable skills and experiences. If you can provide something of value through your music, you will naturally stand out. Remember to use music to awaken those who are still asleep. Music possesses the profound ability to elicit emotions, ignite introspection, and unite people. Be a catalyst for awakening and radiating light.



How can our readers connect with you?

Connect with me on my official website at There, you’ll be able to explore my music, learn more about my upcoming projects, and stay updated on any live performances or events. Additionally, you can connect with me on various social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, and TikTok. If it resonates, please share my music. Be light!

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